Welcome to a productive day with me! I'm proud of days like this where I'm focused and getting things done. Obv not every day is like this, I definitely need to balance my productive days out with slow self care type days. 😌
Showing you a week in my life and how I record my podcasts. The Lavendaire Lifestyle returns this Sunday Nov 11! Listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher, or on the blog.
Showing you a day in my life vlog as a content creator! Every day is different because it depends on what work needs to get done. There's also regular life admin stuff like cleaning/tidying & paying bills. Fridays are nice because I usually have an open day to journal, meditate and catch up with anything I missed during the week. Make sure to catch my favorite productivity apps too! They've been super helpful while designing the Artist of Life Workbook & new Daily Planner.