146: Creating an Intentional & Organized Life w/ Michelle Barnes of MuchelleB

Raise your hand if you've avoided setting goals because you're worried you won't complete them. You can't fail at goals you don't set, right? To help us stop beating ourselves up about ‘failed' goals, Michelle Barnes, creator of the YouTube channel MuchelleB, shares her story and tips for organizing your life for success.
Getting organized and intentional was the key to Michelle's story. She worked in a full-time job for 4-5 years while doing YouTube. Unlike many guest stories we've heard, she actually enjoyed her job: the people, the environment. But what led her to leave was her drive to live as intentionally as possible, in alignment with her values.
In her interview, we talk about what was missing from Michelle's otherwise-enjoyable job, how she holds herself accountable on her goals, and ways she deals with procrastination and overwhelm.
Thanks to BetterHelp for sponsoring today’s episode! Get 10% off your first month using promo code LAVENDAIRE at betterhelp.com/lavendaire
In this episode we explore:
- 0:57 – Michelle's early on-and-off journey to creating an intentional life
- 4:28 – How Michelle made time for YouTube while working full-time for 5 years
- 6:04 – Michelle's time-blocking, goal-setting, and prioritization strategies
- 10:17 – The Life Map: A tool to help you make serious progress on your goals
- 14:00 – Potential & impact: How Michelle knew it was time to quit her stable job
- 16:51 – Practical advice for those afraid of taking a leap of faith on their passion
- 18:02 – Privacy & authenticity: What you don't see as a viewer on YouTube or Instagram
- 22:42 – Michelle's method for dealing with procrastination or a lack of focus
- 24:18 – How do you cope with overwhelm and feeling paralyzed by a long to-do list?
- 26:54 – How to stick to routines & actually enjoy them (and not feel like it's an obligation)
- 29:40 – Michelle's dream life, book recommendations, life-changing habit, best received advice & favorite part about life
Show notes:
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
- The One Thing by Gary Keller
- The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
- BetterHelp | betterhelp.com/lavendaire (Promo code: LAVENDAIRE)
- Productivity without self compassion isn't helpful.
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