11 Ways Self Love Will Change Your Life
Want to change your life? Start with SELF LOVE. Here are all the ways self love has transformed my life for the better. This video is already one of my favorites.
11 Ways Self Love Will Change Your Life
1. Health
When you love yourself, you’ll take care of your body & well-being. You’ll eat better. You’ll move your body, out of respect for your body. Because your body works so hard to keep you alive and letting you live your life, you take care of it in return. You prioritize self care because your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being.
2. Relationships
We accept the love we think we deserve. When you truly love yourself, you set the standard to accept high quality love in return. You have low tolerance for people who don’t value you or respect you. When you respect yourself, others will respect you too.
3. Confidence
Self love also boosts your confidence. Because you love and embrace all that you are, you aren’t insecure or ashamed of it. You flaunt what you got. You feel beautiful, you feel powerful. You hold your head up high & have more fun in life.
4. Style & Swag
Along with confidence comes your unique style & swag. When your self love is high, you have a distinct style that you uniquely you. You’ve grown to know yourself, your tastes and your aesthetic. Basically, you know what you like and you aren’t afraid to show it. This manifests itself in your unique stye.
5. Friends & Family
Self love will also change your relationships with your friends & family. Instead of saying “yes” to others’ requests, you will be able to say no to things that don’t serve you, because you value and protect your own energy. You love yourself too much to let yourself suffer at the expense of others. Having self love will also make it easier for you to forgive others who have hurt you. You realize that it only hurts you to hold a negative grudge inside, so because you love & care about yourself, you learn to let go and forgive.
6. Happiness
This one’s a given but worth mentioning: Self love will make you happier. When you love someone, you want them to be happy, right? So when you love yourself, you will do everything you can to make YOU happy. It’s amazing. By loving the skin you’re in and the soul that you are, you give yourself the opportunity to live your best life.
7. Drive & Motivation
You’ll also be more driven and motivated in life. Because you have high self worth, you know your unlimited potential to create value in the world. You know you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. You don’t settle for any less, because you know you are capable of so much more.
8. Less F*cks Given
A major perk of self love is that you’ll care so much less about what others think of you and what others say about you. Positive vibes only ✋ You learn to keep only the people who truly love and care about you in your inner circle. Anything outside of that doesn't matter.
9. Easier Failures (Positive Self Talk)
If you ever fail or mess up, instead of being hard on yourself, you are kinder to yourself and quicker to forgive. That’s the magic of love: everything is always okay. Think about how you would talk to a loved one, or an innocent child or pet. You would treat them with love. If they mess up, it’s okay. Try again tomorrow. Instead of beating yourself up over your mistakes, you’ll be kinder and more loving to yourself.
10. Less Insecurities, More Humility
When you truly love yourself, you won’t need to feel insecure and compare yourself to others. Because you can love yourself, you can openly love others too. You can be supportive instead of jealous or envious. Life doesn’t have to feel like a competition because you understand that everyone is unique and brings unique value that can’t be replicated. You stand strong in who you are and you support those around you, lifting them up. You are humble because you don’t need to *act* like you’re the best.
11. Freedom
Most importantly, self love will set you free. Think about it. What can hold you back when you are your own best friend, genuinely loving and supporting yourself throughout this entire journey of life? Nothing and no one can hold you back. You are free to step into your greatness. You are free to be fabulous. You are free to be a light in the world. You are free to be YOURSELF.
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