5 Days to Minimalism Challenge | Day 1
Happy Monday! Today I'm kickstarting a collaboration series called #5DaystoMinimalism with my friend Brittany of Naturally Thrifty Mom. Every day this week, we'll be uploading a video where we declutter a small area of our lives. Day 1 begins with the purse.
Watch the announcement video below & join me in this #5DaystoMinimalism challenge!
Watch how I clean out my purse for Day 1 of this challenge.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5igsUB4-5L0]After tidying my purse, I realize how anticlimactic this video is… I know it's not an exciting/dramatic change, but it's because I already try to keep only what I need/want in my bag. This is just an example of regular maintenance & clearing out every once in a while. Also, I switch between bags often so this is an example of ALL the things I would carry. If I carry a smaller bag I'll remove the pouches and larger things, and at minimum I'll carry my phone, car key, chapstick, and cards.
Check out Brittany's videos in this challenge:
▸ Announcement Video
▸ Day 1
Make sure to use #5DaystoMinimalism and tag @lavendaire and @naturallythriftymom with your photos/snaps/tweets of our journey! I can't wait to see your posts! 🙂

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