How to Build Habits That Stick

How to build habits that stick! You can use these habit building tips to break bad habits or adopt good habits into your life. Your life is made up of consistent choices (habits) over time, so you might as well choose good ones to shape a better life for yourself.
What is the one new habit you're looking to build this month? Why is it so important to you to add this habit? Let me know below!
Watch related videos
- 5 habits that changed my life
- productivity tips: how to stop procrastinating
- journaling to reflect & reset your life (+ worksheet)
- Artist of Life Workbook Habit Tracker
- 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
book shown: A Zero Waste Life by Anita Vandyke

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Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.