May Favorites 2017
Here are my favorites in books, beauty, and media resources from the month of May! Links are all below.
→ Audiobook: You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
(Listen to this book for FREE:
→ The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
→ Nudu Gentle Moisturizer*
→ Eva NYC Therapy Sessions Hair Mask*
→ Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City
→ TaylorCutFilms: Editing Tutorials
→ The Tea Party Podcast: Episode 1
→ Podcast: What to do when you're uninspired, unmotivated, in a rut

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.