15 Self Care Ideas for Coronavirus Quarantine

Turn your coronavirus self quarantine into a self care staycation. Whether you're in lockdown or practicing social distancing, here are 15 self care ideas for when you're staying home in isolation.
I truly hope you all stay SAFE. Take care of your physical health AND mental health. Sending you so much love 💞
Remember that you can’t control what happens in the world, but you can always control how you RESPOND to it. Choose LOVE over fear.
Read my full post on dealing with the fear & panic of current times.
Coronavirus COVID-19 info
Thanks Skillshare for partnering with me on this video. The first 500 people to use this link will get a 2 month free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/lavendaire12
15 Self Care Ideas for Quarantine
1. Disconnect from the noise
Whether it’s the news, social media, or emails, stop consuming excessive content that adds to your fear, stress, and anxiety. There’s a fine line between staying informed and giving into the ego that loves drama.
So disconnect from the noise, put your phone away, and create a calm and peaceful headspace where you’re not pulled into the craze and panic.
2. Put on a cozy playlist
I personally love chill R&B or kpop, like the playlist Dalkom Cafe on Spotify.
And sometimes I like to put on yoga and meditation music for those soothing yoga studio or spa vibes.
3. Journal
Journaling is an amazing tool for working through your thoughts and emotions, which can be incredibly helpful during chaotic times like this.
You can try a guided journal like my Artist of Life Workbook, which has questions and exercises to help you dig deeper and get more specific.
I’ve also created an entire journaling series with over 100 journaling prompts you can do.
4. Take an online class
You can also use this time to learn something new through online classes or tutorials. An amazing platform for online classes is Skillshare.
A fun class I found is: Style Your Space: Creative Tips and Techniques for Interior Design by Emily Henderson. You can find your interior design style with an in-class quiz and learn how to mix your favorite styles and design a space you love, which can be really fun when you're stuck at home.
If you’re interested, the first 500 people to click this link (https://skl.sh/lavendaire12) will get a 2-month free trial of Premium Membership so you can explore your creativity.
5. Clean & organize your space
When the world outside feels out of control, focus on the things you can control. You can control how your space feels—if your space feels tidy and fresh, your mind will feel more calm as well.
6. Meditate
The best thing you can do to calm your mind and anxiety is to meditate. Even if the outside world is crazy, you can work to stay grounded and peaceful in your inner world.
If you want to go deeper with inner work, check out my Healing Workshop. It comes with a free workbook you can download to work through healing your emotional traumas and experiences.
7. Exercise at home
Since it’s not ideal to go to gyms, find a new exercise routine at home that’s fun to do.
You can find workout videos on YouTube. I personally like Blogilates, Yoga with Adriene, and Boho Beautiful. I also discovered Down Dog recently, which is an app with high quality yoga videos.
8. Read
Get lost in a good book. It could be something practical or something entirely impractical. It really doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy it.
Some current recommended reads:
9. Practice a hobby or creative activity
Hobbies are usually things we push to the bottom of our priority list, but they actually do so much for our happiness!
After all this, you might just be able to make time for this hobby in your weekly routine, to make time for something that brings you joy.
10. Learn a language
Lately, I’ve been making it a point to practice Chinese with language learning apps for 10 minutes a day. One app I recommend is Duolingo.
I usually practice in the evening before bed. It might not seem like a lot, but spending a little time a day on a language will add up to a lot over time.
11. Watch feel good TV
I love watching shows like Queer Eye, because it's so inspiring, or Kdramas. I’m watching Crash Landing on You on Netflix, and oh my goodness, I'm obsessed.
I also loved the Taylor Swift documentary. It's so relatable and meaningful.
12. Cook at home
Cook something you love to eat or try experimenting with a new recipe.
Cooking is another form of creativity and it can be very therapeutic and rewarding, especially if you also have people to cook for.
13. Take a bath
Relax in a luxurious bubble bath, put on some good music, light a scented candle, use a body scrub and pamper yourself, letting everything else melt away.
14. Indulge in skincare
Give your skin some extra love. As you wash your face, imagine washing all the dirt and negativity away.
As you replenish your skin with hydration and vitamins, think of how you’re giving back to yourself, nourishing and loving yourself.
15. Follow your heart
You don’t need to feel obligated to make a list or keep busy during your staycation.
What if you were to do nothing? Simply do nothing, then listen to your heart, and see what it wants. Leave it open and see what happens.
The point is to not feel forced or pressured to do anything.
This is your time to explore yourself, so really, you can do whatever you want with it. The beauty of this journey is that you don’t know what’s next.
Resources & favorites mentioned
- Dalkom Café
- Artist of Life Workbook
- Journaling Series: 100+ journal prompts
- Style Your Space by Emily Henderson
- Calm (meditation app)
- Meditation music
- Healing Workshop
- Blogilates
- Yoga With Adriene
- Boho Beautiful
- Down Dog app
- Overcoming Overwhelm by Samantha Brody
- True Beauty webtoon
- Age Matters webtoon
- Duolingo (language app)
- Queer Eye
- Crash Landing on You
- Taylor Swift: Miss Americana

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.