embracing change (past, present, and future me)

A chatty vlog talking about how I've changed: me then vs. me now, and honoring life's phases. Slowing down & understanding how low energy & “laziness” is a symptom of something deeper. At the end, I also share my Current Me vs. Future Me drawing in my 2021 Artist of Life Workbook 🙂

How have you been embracing change in your life? Let me know if you like casual vlogs like this.

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Lavendaire Merch Reveal + Try On

For the first Lavendaire merch, I created a sweater and sweat shorts set for you to wear as a reminder of your power as an artist of life. With a cozy, relaxed, and flexible fit, it comes in two pastel colors: lavender and beige. This set is dedicated to our lavi loves community—THANK YOU SO MUCH for being here, for being a light, and continuing to create your dream life 🙂 Sending you all so much love.

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