204: Chelsea Kauai on Trusting Yourself & Following Your Joy

Consciously or subconsciously, many of us live life for others, functioning in a state of anxiety, self-deprecation, and co-comparison. But life is too short to miss out on the freedom and joy of being your unique self. Chelsea Kauai shows us the beauty in intentional living, from aligning with your joy to trusting yourself, nurturing patience, and always making space for fun. She’s passionate about movement and mindfulness and sharing these gifts with the world. It is never too late to fall in love with yourself. Discover yourself & connect with what lights you up.

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132: Storytelling & the Creative Process w/ Filmmaker Mimi Lee

What's that story deep down inside of you that needs to be put out into the world? What experiences have you had that need to be shared? Today we're talking about staying authentic to yourself, creative struggles, and telling stories through film.

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