10 Minute Meditation to Release Stress & Anxiety | Total Body Relaxation

Welcome to Week 2 of the 30 Day meditation Challenge: A 10 minute meditation to release stress & anxiety, featuring a body scan for total body relaxation and positive affirmations. Great for beginners and all levels.

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10 Min Guided Meditation for Positivity, Gratitude & Joy | Raise Your Vibration

Enjoy this 10 minute meditation for positivity, gratitude & joy to help raise your vibration.

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Guided Meditation for Courage & Confidence

Feel empowered with this 15 minute guided meditation for courage & confidence to go after your dreams.

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10 Minute Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Peace & Light

Enjoy this 10 min meditation for positive energy, peace and light, including full body relaxation, visualization and positive affirmations.

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Powerful Guided Meditation for Healing & Letting Go

A 10 minute guided meditation for healing, letting go, and inner peace. Heal your heart & emotional wounds with positive energy visualization, energy healing heart chakra tapping, and positive affirmations.

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Sound Healing Guided Meditation by Leeor Alexandra

Enjoy this guided sound bath meditation & sound therapy experience with crystal singing bowls by the lovely Leeor Alexandra.

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