256: Rewiring Your Mind: Discover Your True Potential with Julia Kristina

Questioning our thoughts is not always easy, but it’s a life-changing experience. By examining the beliefs and assumptions that shape our perception of the world, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and perspectives! We start to understand the underlying reasons behind our reactions and behaviors. This self-reflection allows us to identify patterns that may … Read more

196: Changes, Growing Pains and Finding Peace w/ Amy Lee

Growing is painful. Change comes with grief, loss, and fear. But choosing yourself despite the discomfort is the most radical act of self-love. Amy Lee is living proof of this truth. Through her brave and vulnerable journey of self-discovery, she teaches us that it’s okay to feel scared. Give yourself time and space to heal. Peel back the layers of trauma and find yourself anew. You deserve peace.

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96: Radical Self Love w/ Gala Darling

Make feeling good your priority in life, and every day. The rest of what you want will follow. Today's guest is speaker and author of “Radical Self Love” and “Radical Radiance” Gala Darling. Through her self love techniques and resources, she teaches women everywhere how to fall in love with themselves and life.

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