256: Rewiring Your Mind: Discover Your True Potential with Julia Kristina

Questioning our thoughts is not always easy, but it’s a life-changing experience. By examining the beliefs and assumptions that shape our perception of the world, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and perspectives! We start to understand the underlying reasons behind our reactions and behaviors. This self-reflection allows us to identify patterns that may … Read more

On Healing & The Power of Perspective

Sharing my thoughts on healing, perspective, forgiveness and acceptance after a journaling session.

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224: Emotional Wellness, Toxic Positivity, & Trauma w/ Whitney Goodman

Living a healthy, balanced life requires having good emotional health. Unfortunately, many people overlook this crucial element, and most of the time we hardly understand what is actually beneficial or not, like toxic positivity. In today's episode, we focus on how to take care of our emotional self, toxic positivity, dysfunctional family patterns, and understanding the definition of trauma on a higher level. Join us today in this information-packed episode with Whitney Goodman and learn more about emotional wellness to live a better life.

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