Diary of Becoming | A Brighter Season Arrives (After Feeling Lost for Some Time)

Diary #2 • Entering a new season, finding inspiration and clarity after feeling lost and unmotivated. Picking up a new piano (and soo happy about it), seeing friends, enjoying life and good food in California. Being grateful for having a mountain to climb.

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Rebalancing & Releasing Anxiety | Life Update Vlog

I'm back! Here's a life update vlog about my travels with family, releasing anxiety and rebalancing my life.

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Day in My Life: A Healing Vlog

It's been a while since I made a day in my life vlog! Here's a glimpse into my life as a creator, my new room decor, daily routine, and lessons I've learned from healing through breathwork.

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10 Tips for Healthy Productivity

What's most “productive” is living a high quality, fulfilling life. And that's not always about getting the *most* things done, but the getting the *right* things done. 🙂 Here are 10 of my top tips on being productive without burnout, overworking, or obsessing about efficiency.

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redefining productivity | day in my life vlog

Taking you along a productive day in my life! I'm redefining productivity, creating a better work-life balance, simplifying & focusing on the essential.

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