211: Atticus on Anonymity & Authenticity

Magical things happen when you put your Art into the world. If you have a passion, a message, or a vision that lights your soul, the anonymous New York Times Bestselling poet Atticus inspires you to share it. Define your authenticity and protect it at all costs. Choose to be seen for the right reasons. Align with your heart and never dull your light.

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Artist of Life: Clarissa Wei

clarissa wei journalist

Clarissa Wei is a freelance journalist who recently backpacked across China, Taiwan, and Tibet for 9 months. She’s written stories for VICE, Eater, Los Angeles Times, and has appeared on Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. This girl's got a taste for adventure and a drive to shift our society and environment. She's a living example of a true artist of life.

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Fighting Resistance (The War of Art / Life)

Resistance – it’s that weird force that keeps us from doing what we really want to do. Resistance doesn’t want us to grow, it wants us to stay the same. Resistance loves comfort. The War of Art has recently opened my eyes to how resistance can lurk everywhere in our lives, and if we’re not … Read more