12 Keys to Success: Habits & Lessons From My Journey

Do you want to be successful? Let's talk about the keys to success. These are the habits & mindsets that have contributed to my own success in my journey.

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Bali Vlog: Synchronicities & Freeing Revelations

My first days in Bali, solo traveling for the first time. I wanted to capture the quiet, the nature, and also share all the crazy synchronicities that have been happening. (Do you believe that they're just coincidences, or something else?)

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Life Advice EVERYONE Needs to Hear (especially graduates!)

Sharing life advice that everyone needs to hear—especially recent graduates! These are things that I would tell my younger self, and any recent college grad. Taking risks, getting to know your inner voice, being proactive, stretching your comfort zone, and investing in yourself.

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self worth keepsakes (this one made me cry)

Self worth keepsakes = mementos I've kept that remind me to believe in myself and my worth. A lot of us have been conditioned by our parents, school, social media and society to feel “unworthy” or “not good enough” when in reality we are already so worthy. Like building up our self love, recognizing our self worth takes conscious effort.

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Dream Life Update: Where I Am Now

A chatty life update on my dream life journey, where I am now and what I've learned lately. I'm so grateful for all that I've learned and all the confidence I've gained over the years. Here's to more years of growth and evolution. Love you all 💕

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March Highlights, Lessons, Favorites (New Tattoo!) | 2018

Reviewing my highlights, lessons & favorites from March. Got a new tattoo, went to Hawaii, hit 500K on YouTube! Also sharing what I'm currently reading and watching at the moment, and ending with a little message for you all (THANK YOU for almost 4 years with Lavendaire!!) 💜

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