86: Bringing Color Into Your Life w/ Bernard Charles

Eat, live, wear color. This is how “The Color Mage”, Bernard Charles, lives his high frequency life. From poverty and struggle, Bernard found a home in the power of color therapy and psychology. Today, he's a LGBT thought-leader and author sharing that vibrant power with the world.

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84: How to Align with Your Soul & Your Light ft. Rebecca Campbell

Soul, spirit, light. Regardless of what you call it, we all have an inner voice that's always calling us. Rebecca Campbell author Light Is the New Black, teaches us how to tune into that inner voice and let it help us navigate our lives.

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82: Reconnecting Your Body + Mind w/ Ani Anderson

You are more powerful than you can imagine when it comes to controlling how deeply you are able to experience life. Today's guest, Ani Anderson, helps people tap into their full mind potential by reconnecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of living.

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75: Finding Your Light w/ Lynette Cenée

Imagine a loving, non-judgmental voice that speaks to you with tender words, telling you that you were created for a magnificent reason. That is your light source. Today’s guest, Lynette Cenée, is a beauty expert, YouTube personality, and believer in magic, love, and light. Through her work, she spreads the message that beauty is two-dimensional and that you are full of light.

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70: Listening to Your Inner GPS w/ Lynn Robinson

Are you allowing your inner GPS to guide you in the right direction? Today’s guest, Lynn Robinson is an bestselling author and leader speaker on developing and trusting our intuition. Through her books and intuitive reading sessions, she helps people reach personal clarity and an understanding of their true calling.

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12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration + Frequency

Positive vibes every day ✨ Learn about vibrational frequency and how we can all raise our vibration to become happier, healthier, high vibe people. It's really the little lifestyle changes we can make every day that make the world of a difference.

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50: Making Spirituality Mainstream w/ Bestselling Author Theresa Cheung

As long as you're evolving towards your highest self, you are living your meaning. Today's guest, Theresa Cheung, is a bestselling spiritual author with twenty-five years of research and writing in the psychic world. In this episode, Aileen and Theresa explore the light and darkness of birthdays, what a Jedi's “force” really is, and making spirituality mainstream.

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46: Spiritual Healing, Inner Expansion and Sacred Sisterhood w/ Sora Surya No

When you hold yourself as sacred, you're able to make the best choices for your future. Today's guest, Sora Surya No, is a transformative business coach, international retreat leader, and world traveler connecting women entrepreneurs with the art of feeling sacred. In this episode, Aileen and Sora explore spiritual healing, inner expansion, and the magic of sisterhood.

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