Thank You + Announcement

Hi loves, I wanted to dedicate this song to you all because you are so amazing. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Thank you for your support and love. Thank you for being you.
If you follow me on social media then you may already know, but I have an exciting announcement to share –

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Feeling blessed to live in such an amazing world. For the time we’re here on this earth, we’re meant to enjoy the experience of living life in this colorful, vibrant place. We don’t have forever, only one lifetime. Look up, and find something wonderful today.

Being Present

{ subscribe to get notified of new videos weekly } This video is inspired by a journey entry I wrote while traveling in Asia. Thought it’d be nice to put the words to clips from my travels to Taipei and Seoul. Hope you guys enjoy. Be alive, vibrant, and well! TRANSCRIPT During my travels, I’ve … Read more

Magic is All Around (Photoshoot)

A while back, I posted a vlog following my first photoshoot for Lavendaire. Here are my faves from the outdoor set. Photographer Daniel & his assistant Clay are true artists; they know what they’re doing. I wanted the tone to be dreamy, soft, and imagined, so I seriously love how magical these photos turned out. I especially love that … Read more

My Personal Journey So Far

[Watch on YouTube: Clickable timestamps for skipping are in the the YT description box] Sharing my personal life journey to follow up my recent vlog on taking your biggest risks while you’re young. Senior year of college was when I started the real journey to discovering myself, my purpose, and my honest goals in life. I’m … Read more

Minimal Living / Meaningful Living

// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly //  I’m trying to live minimally: to live with less in order to live more. Minimalism has helped me clarify what really matters in my life, so that I can keep the important things close to me and clear out the rest of the clutter. Currently, … Read more

Planning Your Own Creative Retreat

In the beginning of the year, I had filled out this Amazing Year Workbook for 2014. One of the exercises in the workbook was to plan a creative retreat for yourself, so back in January, I thought about when I would probably need a creative retreat the most and what I would want to do. I knew … Read more

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

I believe that everybody has a purpose. Everybody exists for a reason, and we’re all meant to to contribute to the world in our unique way. Each person is blessed with a unique set of talents, skills, life experience, etc. that enable him or her to do something in the world. That “something” is his or her purpose. … Read more

Fighting Resistance (The War of Art / Life)

Resistance – it’s that weird force that keeps us from doing what we really want to do. Resistance doesn’t want us to grow, it wants us to stay the same. Resistance loves comfort. The War of Art has recently opened my eyes to how resistance can lurk everywhere in our lives, and if we’re not … Read more