258: The Science of Happiness: The Path to True Joy with Stephanie Harrison

What if true happiness isn’t about chasing achievements, but about embracing your authentic self and making a positive impact on others? In this episode, we explore the dynamic between “Old Happy” and “New Happy,” inviting you to redefine success on your own terms. Discover how embracing who you are and contributing to others can lead … Read more

The Gentle Pursuit of Inner Joy & Fulfillment

Reflecting on my current mindset and chapter: living in alignment, abundance, and pursuing inner joy, purpose & fulfillment.

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194: Sensuality, Sexuality and Divine Feminine Energy w/ Anjua Maximo

In a culture dominant in divine masculine energy, focused on drive, logic, and brains, many of us have lost touch with our divine feminine energy, our innate body’s wisdom, intuition, and connection to the heart. Anjua Maximo shares the power of sensual embodiment in our healing journey. Close your eyes, listen to the music and let your body guide you. Reconnect to your senses, reclaim your heart, and release shame. You deserve to be you, unapologetically.

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11: On Motivation

Since I came back from Europe, I haven’t been motivated to work on a full podcast episode like usual. Today I just wanted to be real, raw and honest about how it feels to lose motivation in school, work, and life, and how I’ve learned to deal with it. I share one of my biggest weaknesses … Read more

Living My Dream Life Now

Aileen Haleakala

In a culture where we're always striving for “more success, more money, more ______,” I've been “wanting” pretty often.

For so long I've been striving to create the life that I want—holding that big picture over my head and looking to the stars to my dream life. It's dazzling and wondrous. And it's always just out of reach.

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The Art of Finding Balance

balance blogSo many people talk about hustling hard, going fast, doing whatever it takes to get there. They view the journey as only a means to an end, rushing past the beauty of life in the present in hopes of making it to that future destination ASAP.

Admittedly, I've been there. But lately I've been reminded that this journey we're on should not feel like a means to an end. This journey we're on is the life we get to live. So how do you make the most of the journey? How do you enjoy living “now” while simultaneously hustling toward the future?

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Make Your World More Beautiful

Love First Thumb

I’ve been reading A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson all month, and it’s been so healing and inspiring. I had gotten too caught up with chasing goals and ambitions in January that I started to feel scatterbrained, like there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing. This book literally brought me back to love, and reminded me to put love first, because love should always be our first priority.

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