What's the simplest way to change your life? It's something immediate yet powerful, and can be done in infinite ways—a perspective shift. You have a choice in how you perceive your life & your reality.
Canna Campbell shares her financial knowledge to show us that investing doesn’t have to be scary, and that we can all cultivate an abundance mindset for money. Listen in to hear how Canna came up with an extra $32,000 outside of her salary for her blog’s investing project, and all the resources she recommends for … Read more
Do you have the right mindset? This lesson is based off the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. After reading about the fixed vs. growth mindsets and their consequences, I knew this concept was too important not to share.
My first Q&A video! Talking about how to keep a positive & relaxed mindset, my self-improvement journey, advice on starting a blog, how to handle stress without affecting your work, and meditation.