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self love

Day in My Life: Making My 2023 Vision Board (Vlog)

Daily life, our new community discord, and making 2 versions of my 2023 vision board on Pinterest & Notion!   

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217: Body Acceptance & Self Worth with Erica Mather

Do you ever struggle with body acceptance, self worth and confidence? In this episode, we explore how we can finally feel good about ourselves and our bodies.

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216: What Your Aura Says About You with Mystic Michaela

Even if you aren’t able to see someone’s energy, you’ve definitely felt it before. Think of times when you’ve met someone new, and was either instantly drawn to them, or immediately disliked them. Everybody has an aura—but not all auras are equal. In this episode, Mystic Michaela, shares all about auras, what they say about a person, their … Read more

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How to Manifest Your Dreams in 2023 | Top Manifesting Tips

Manifest anything you want! Use these manifesting tips to attract your goals and dream life in 2023.  

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215: Dr. Eileen on Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for a Healthy Life

Empower your body and revitalize your mind with acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. From insomnia to chronic pain, anxiety, and digestive issues, acupuncture is an incredible resource that can heal almost anything. With far fewer side effects than western medicine, acupuncture and Chinese medicine aim to restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Learn … Read more

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214: Numerology for Navigating the Universe with Joy Woodward

Have you ever noticed a pattern of recurring numbers when you check the time, glance at a label, or read random receipts? Numbers are all around us: from the date we were born to the digits behind our names. And none of it is coincidental in Numerology! This sacred, ancient practice can offer powerful mystical … Read more

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Positive Affirmations for the New Year 2023: Manifest Abundance, Opportunity, Alignment

Powerful positive affirmations for the new year, and new beginnings—inviting new energy, abundance and opportunities into your life.

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2023 Goals: New Year Planning & Goal Setting

Plan with me for the new year! Start your 2023 planning with these journaling prompts for setting your new year intentions and 2023 goals. 

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213: Delyanne the Money Coach on Financial Freedom

What if you didn’t have to wait 60 years to start enjoying your life on your terms? Financial independence means having enough money to afford your living expenses for the rest of your life, allowing you to live comfortably without money-related stress. While that might seem out of reach, early retirement is possible. Delyanne The … Read more

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Winter Self Care | Glow Up for the New Year

How to level up your self care routine & get ready for a new year glow up!

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New Year Planning: Reflecting on 2022

Plan with me for the new year! Time to start new year planning by first reflecting on 2022 before 2023 planning & goal setting. 

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212: Finding Inner Peace with Meg Josephson

Celebrate the genius of your inner child and let go of what no longer serves you. In this episode, Meg Josephson shares a message of hope: you are not broken. Life after trauma can be peaceful, grounded, and even secure. Cultivate awareness and pause. Notice your triggers and tend to your wounds. Above all, be … Read more

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211: Atticus on Anonymity & Authenticity

Magical things happen when you put your Art into the world. If you have a passion, a message, or a vision that lights your soul, the anonymous New York Times Bestselling poet Atticus inspires you to share it. Define your authenticity and protect it at all costs. Choose to be seen for the right reasons. … Read more

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10 Years of Current Me vs Future Me (Results) | Visualization & Manifestation Exercise

I’ve become who I’ve always wanted to be! Reflecting on the past 10 years of Current Me vs. Future Me exercises, from 2012 to now.

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210: Latha Jay on Mindset, Meditation & Manifesting

Our spiritual, emotional, and physical bodies are all connected. Learn to listen to your inherent wisdom, balance your chakras, and heal your inner child. Meditate, manifest and follow through with aligned action. You are the answer you seek. Transform your hope into faith, and create your dream life. From shifting mindsets to creating new possibilities, … Read more

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209: Mr. Cliff Tan on Feng Shui for a Harmonious Life

When life feels off, it gets reflected in your home. Energy, vibes, or chi impact your physical and emotional well-being. Feng Shui teaches us how to create the best flow of energy to live a harmonious life. TikTok architect Mr. Cliff Tan blends his gifts of architecture and Feng Shui to help people optimize their … Read more

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How to Stop Feeling Not Good Enough | Heal Your Self Worth

Tips and resources on how to stop feeling not good enough and heal your sense of self worth.

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208: Yasmine Cheyenne on Boundaries & Healing

Setting boundaries is about listening to your needs and advocating for yourself. When you grow up learning that you can't say no or put yourself first, the idea of boundaries is petrifying. But you deserve healthy and balanced relationships with others and yourself. Listen to your needs and stand up for yourself. The temporary discomfort … Read more

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207: Taking Risks for a Fulfilling Life w/ Alan Ying

Taking risks is terrifying. Most of us actively avoid taking risks believing that doing nothing is a safer course of action. Well, it turns out that taking risks is the least risky thing you can do to live a fulfilling life. Things might not always turn out the way you hoped, but if you live … Read more

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How much do you really know about yourself?

Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.

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