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self love
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self love

Powerful Guided Meditation for Healing & Letting Go

A 10 minute guided meditation for healing, letting go, and inner peace. Heal your heart & emotional wounds with positive energy visualization, energy healing heart chakra tapping, and positive affirmations.

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206: Ellie Lee on Alchemizing Pain into Power

Everything is energy. As such, you can transform your fear and pain into power and love. All it takes is openness and commitment. Through shadow work, inner child healing, journaling, self-awareness, and leaning into feeling Ellie Lee’s life has radically transformed. It’s never too late to find yourself and return to love. Feel into your … Read more

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How to Find Your Why: Purpose & Life Path

How did I find my why? Let's talk about how to discover your purpose and choose your life path, starting from what's most important and foundational.

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205: Replacing Clutter with Connection w/ Tracy McCubbin

Why do we keep things we don’t want or use? Clutter takes up space we could be using to live intentionally. If something isn’t bringing joy but still feels impossible to get rid of, Tracy McCubbin is here to help. If you can find the emotional root of your clutter, you can let go of … Read more

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For Future Me

This is a reminder to keep going, and to remember who you’re doing it for—your future self.

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2023 Artist of Life Workbook: Create Your Best Year

Introducing the 7th edition of the Artist of Life Workbook. A powerful, guided system to create your best year in 2023.

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204: Chelsea Kauai on Trusting Yourself & Following Your Joy

Consciously or subconsciously, many of us live life for others, functioning in a state of anxiety, self-deprecation, and co-comparison. But life is too short to miss out on the freedom and joy of being your unique self. Chelsea Kauai shows us the beauty in intentional living, from aligning with your joy to trusting yourself, nurturing … Read more

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203: Sky Cowans on Growing From Judgment to Curiosity

We live in a world where judgment is a default setting. But if we were to collectively shift into curiosity instead, the world would be a better place! Everyone is unique, so why not open our hearts, celebrate those differences, and connect authentically with ourselves and others? Sky Cowans humbly leads the way to become … Read more

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202: Maya Lee on Planning Ahead While Staying Present

What if I told you you don’t always have to feel overwhelmed? When it comes to managing stress, learning new habits, navigating change, and overcoming procrastination, there are some things within our control. Maya Lee teaches us the beauty in doing things today for our future self’s peace of mind, while still enjoying the present … Read more

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How to Change Your Life in 5 Minutes a Day

How to change your life in 5 min a day, by compounding small daily habits over time.

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201: Manifestation is real: Science proves it w/ Jonna Rose

The brain is our control center, storing everything from our beliefs to our trauma. But did you know the brain is also a transmitter? Science tells us that we hold the power to heal our brains and change our reality through meditating and manifesting. Jonna Rose cleared her brain scan and now helps others do … Read more

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200: Mental Health and Art Therapy w/ Amelia Hutchison

Trauma lives in the body. As such, a body-based healing modality like Art therapy is an incredible resource to heal deeper traumas. Art helps us reconnect with our intuition and subconscious. Amelia Hutchison empowers us to trust ourselves and find ways to nurture our life force of creativity. We are all artists. Whether it’s Excel … Read more

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How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs (reprogram your mind!)

Here's a life-changing exercise that can help you overcome limiting beliefs, bad habits, negative thought patterns and essentially reprogram your mind with new beliefs that serve your highest self.

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199: Art for Social Justice, Mental Health & Representation w/ Natalie Byrne

Art inspires and touches our souls. It has the power to bring us together and create incredible emotional experiences. Natalie uses her gift of creativity to paint the colorful world of her friends and family, one that brings peace and celebrates our differences. She believes in creating from the heart and not leaving anyone behind.

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How to Raise Your Self Esteem & Confidence (HOT GIRL ERA)

Let's talk about how to boost your self confidence, self esteem, and enter your hot girl era!

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198: Smart Sex Toys & Sexually Liberating Women w/ Anna Lee

Female sexuality is widely misunderstood, under-researched, and, for many women, a source of great frustration and shame. Anna Lee works tirelessly to create the change we so desperately need. From busting misogynistic myths to helping women in their 70s experience their first orgasm, Anna uses tech engineering to close the orgasm gap. Through data, she … Read more

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197: Sound, Spirituality & Frequency Healing w/ Erin Eber

Have you ever seen water ripple in response to sound? Well, this happens because water is highly susceptible to oscillating frequencies. And since humans are 99% molecularly water, frequency and sound have an incredible impact on our bodies and brains. Science is still only scratching the surface on the healing power of frequencies, but healer … Read more

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Sound Bath Guided Meditation | Sound Healing & Deep Relaxation (20 Min)

Enjoy this guided sound bath meditation & sound therapy experience with crystal singing bowls by the lovely Leeor Alexandra.

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196: Changes, Growing Pains and Finding Peace w/ Amy Lee

Growing is painful. Change comes with grief, loss, and fear. But choosing yourself despite the discomfort is the most radical act of self-love. Amy Lee is living proof of this truth. Through her brave and vulnerable journey of self-discovery, she teaches us that it’s okay to feel scared. Give yourself time and space to heal. … Read more

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How much do you really know about yourself?

Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.

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