8 Holistic Wellness Habits to Try | Holistic Health & Self Care Ideas

Sharing new holistic wellness habits that could improve your life. Which ones will you try?

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How Self Love & Healing Changed My Life | Love Heals Documentary (Exclusive Interview)

This is an exclusive cut of my interview in the documentary Love Heals.

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Positive Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence

Powerful positive affirmations for self love, self esteem, confidence & self worth.

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how to have more compassion for yourself 💓

When we learn to have more self compassion & self love, we’ll then have more compassion for others, and the world will be a more loving place.

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My Night Routine 2021

Relax and unwind with me in my updated evening routine.My evenings are typically spent on self care, yoga & stretching, reading, skincare & resetting for the next day. What is your favorite evening habit that nourishes you?

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What to do when you feel like doing nothing

Are you feeling tired, unmotivated, burnt out, and unproductive all the time? This is for those of you who are spreading yourself too thin, or simply exhausted from life and these trying times.

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Meditation Challenge for New Beginnings – Liberation Kriya

I'm excited to start this meditation challenge with you guys! The Liberation Kriya is a 9 min meditation for new beginnings, done in 40 days. It comes from Kundalini Yoga, and is meant to bring renewal and new beginnings into your life. Set yourself free from what no longer serves you, liberate yourself from old patterns & give yourself a fresh start.

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High Vibe Morning Routine

Taking this self care day to get my life together again. These are a few habits that always help me feel better about myself: meditation, eating healthy, reading, yoga, cleaning & decluttering, skincare.

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