On Healing & The Power of Perspective

Sharing my thoughts on healing, perspective, forgiveness and acceptance after a journaling session.

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How to Stop Feeling Not Good Enough | Heal Your Self Worth

Tips and resources on how to stop feeling not good enough and heal your sense of self worth.

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208: Yasmine Cheyenne on Boundaries & Healing

Setting boundaries is about listening to your needs and advocating for yourself. When you grow up learning that you can't say no or put yourself first, the idea of boundaries is petrifying. But you deserve healthy and balanced relationships with others and yourself. Listen to your needs and stand up for yourself. The temporary discomfort of boundary setting is worth protecting your peace and living in alignment.

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206: Ellie Lee on Alchemizing Pain into Power

Everything is energy. As such, you can transform your fear and pain into power and love. All it takes is openness and commitment. Through shadow work, inner child healing, journaling, self-awareness, and leaning into feeling Ellie Lee’s life has radically transformed. It’s never too late to find yourself and return to love. Feel into your pain, and release your traumas. Healing yourself is healing the world.

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196: Changes, Growing Pains and Finding Peace w/ Amy Lee

Growing is painful. Change comes with grief, loss, and fear. But choosing yourself despite the discomfort is the most radical act of self-love. Amy Lee is living proof of this truth. Through her brave and vulnerable journey of self-discovery, she teaches us that it’s okay to feel scared. Give yourself time and space to heal. Peel back the layers of trauma and find yourself anew. You deserve peace.

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5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Mom

Sharing life lessons from my Asian, refugee, single mom and how she's influenced me as a person & my outlook on life.

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194: Sensuality, Sexuality and Divine Feminine Energy w/ Anjua Maximo

In a culture dominant in divine masculine energy, focused on drive, logic, and brains, many of us have lost touch with our divine feminine energy, our innate body’s wisdom, intuition, and connection to the heart. Anjua Maximo shares the power of sensual embodiment in our healing journey. Close your eyes, listen to the music and let your body guide you. Reconnect to your senses, reclaim your heart, and release shame. You deserve to be you, unapologetically.

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182: African Spirituality, Shadow Work & Manifesting w/ Abiola Abrams

Have you ever wondered why you don’t know much about African spirituality? Abiola Abrams explains why it’s no accident her culture has been excluded from mainstream spirituality, and how her work will empower you to discover your goddess within.

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181: People Pleasing, Inner Child Healing & Self Worth w/ Jasmine Lipska

Have you ever been told you’re “too much”? Jasmine Lipska is back to talk about healing your inner child, breaking free from external validation, and recovering from being a lifelong people-pleaser.

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Spring Self Care Date Ideas | 10 Fun Spring Things To Do

Make the most of spring with these self care ideas & spring things to do ✨

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